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Tuesday 22 May 2012

Perfect Solar day!

It's felt like summer proper today - even dusted off my T-shirts and showed my pasty legs!Solar has become a BIG part of our lives; 3 years ago It's felt like summer proper today - even dusted off my T-shirts and showed my pasty legs!
we built our own eco house inspired by PassivHaus, a German idea using the natural gain of the sun to heat the house, amazing to live in, and since then we have added PV and hot water solar panels.
It's easy to become quite geeky about nipping into our mud room and checking the latest temperature. We have a thermometer at the panels, and two more reading the top and the bottom of the water tank.
Todays fab day equals a full tank of 51 degrees, but more importantly it means I can enjoy a soak in the tub tonight at virtually no cost - a rare treat! My evening is already planned in my head, early supper with the children, a bit of gardening and then a long soak with a good magazine and plenty of smellies!

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