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Tuesday 16 October 2012

Man Made Shed

We love Kevin McCloud at Muddy Carrot!

Kevin McCloud carries off the combination of design, style and up-cycling with such aplomb.  His new series,  Man Made Home sums up so much of what Muddy Carrot stands for, too.  Low impact living does not have to be without beauty, or comfort for that matter.   His eye for detail allows him to build his very own Grand Design “shed” based on simple, low impact but elegant principles.

His new hideaway is based, like Muddy Carrot HQ, in the South West, tucked away in an idyllic woodland with its own stream.  With our love of all things eco-friendly, and having built our own eco home just 4 years ago, this series has been a must-view in our home.  We've marveled at his glass making, his use of local green wood  (in his case - within walking distance) and adore his amazing tractor chair (could it go into production?)  And well done to the ladies of the Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers and the wonderful work they did in converting the raw Alpaca fibre into a luxurious bath robe.  

But boy we see a real future for his poo-powered cooking & heating.  Doesn't that make so much sense?  It makes you realise how wasteful we are as a society when we pay a fortune to have gas extracted and pumped to our houses at high environmental impact, at the same time as paying more to have our poo removed (bonkers).  There are already some fantastic projects using anaerobic digestion like Owen Yeatman based on a farm in Dorset.  This farm can produce enough electricity to supply 450 homes.  Enough said!

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