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Monday 5 November 2012

November Snow in Dorset

Saturday was a pleasant enough day; it had been dry for a while so I was able to give the lawn at Muddy Carrot HQ its last mow before winter.  That evening we went to watch the fireworks over Lyme Bay and enjoy a bonfire on Lyme Regis beach, appreciating the clear night sky with just a gentle breeze - not too cold.

Dorset November snow

Then Sunday dawned.  It had rained quite heavily overnight, and as the grey light dawned the noisy spatter of rain softened yet the drops were getting bigger and falling more slowly. Yuk - sleet.  But within minutes the sleet got whiter and thicker and started to settle.  It was hard to believe yet within less than an hour there were over two inches of snow, and still it came!

Wasting no time, the children donned hats, gloves and waterproofs and were straight out there making snow angels and rolling big snowballs to make lumpy people and animals.  The sun even came out for a couple of hours - it was like being in a ski chalet!  Our Angora goats came outside to explore, seeming a little nonplussed by this turn of events.

 Then it was all over as quickly as it started.  By tea time we'd had rain, and all that was left was a few patches of slush in the shady corners.  To quote the cook from Nanny McPhee, "there'll be snow in August next!"

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