This is a dilemma faced by so many of us coming up to Christmas. Is it best to have an artificial tree that
can be pulled out year after year, or a real tree? In the UK 8 million Christmas trees are sold during the Christmas season
and the number of real trees is growing year on year. Can this be good?
Christmas trees are grown in the UK as a sustainable crop. Approximately 40 million trees are grown
in the UK absorbing 50,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Provided you are able to buy from a local
grower this has to be good news.

It is now large and gorgeous. It has withstood the harsh storms that so many trees have struggled to
establish themselves against, and we still love it and light it up every
year. It somehow connects our Christmases. OK this is not practical solution for all, and we could not bring
it in year on year. We do often have an indoor tree as well, but we love
our live Christmas tree.
How green the solution you choose depends not just on the care with which you
source but equally on the care with which you dispose of the tree after Christmas.
Official figures show that most trees go
into landfill at the end of the festive season and yet they can so easily be
recycled. They are ideally
suited to composting and wood chipping that could provide nutrients for
depleted soil.
Most councils offer a tree recycling service and have the
capability of turning your lovely tree into valuable compost. So this Christmas when you are thinking what
tree to get think also about how you intend to dispose of it. It would be a great way to start 2013 on a
green note…
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