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Wednesday 2 January 2013

Our Vision for 2013

Conscious consuming means absolutely everything to us.  It is not just about what we buy, and how we buy, but also a question of should we buy?  This does not mean we believe in living a life of denial, but one of far less waste.  

In the words of William Morris - a founding member of the Arts and Crafts Movement (started in the 1880s) 'Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.' 

There is huge value in such an ideal.  This sort of conscious consuming means that purchases are made on a more conscious level, buying something that enhances someone's life - and not just for today, but for the long term.  This means buying quality.  

At Muddy Carrot our sellers are assessed on whether they produce in line with our values, supporting their local economy, everything produced ethically and the people who produce compensated fairly.  This includes low intensive and organic farming, local and independent businesses, fair-trade and definitely no sweat-shops.

Is it time for a return to the Arts and Crafts Movement?  Buying to enhance our everyday routines in a meaningful way, and avoiding the mass-produced that will just end up tossed to one side.  What do you think?  We'd love to hear your views...

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