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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Prince's Fears over not handing on a Poisoned Chalice

Prince Charles is clearly thrilled at the news that Prince William and Kate will be having their first child this summer. 
In a recent interview with ITV1’s This Morning Programme he spoke from the heart about the prospect of his first Grandchild, his concerns over environmental damage and the need for action.  
He said  "It makes it even more obvious to try to make sure we leave them something that isn't a total poisoned chalice

Since the 1980s he has sought to raise awareness of the dangers facing the natural environment such as climate change.  He has been an enthusiastic champion of organic farming and gardening methods and in the 1990s launched his own organic brand, Duchy Originals, selling  a range of goods from food to garden furniture.  He has also sought to invest in finding a solution to save the world’s threatened Rainforests, setting up The Prince’s Rainforest Group in 2007.
Prince Charles has published the carbon footprint of his household every year since 2007, as part of his annual report and has set himself a carbon target.  

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