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Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Inspiration behind Hergest Handmade Handbags

Our Featured Seller this month is Hergest Handmade Handbags.  Her beautiful yet fun handbags are sure to put a smile on any girls face - we love them, and the story behind them...

How did you get started?
I started with my handbag business by initially making bags for my self and friends. you know when there's something else going on when people come out of shops and the the street to ask where you got your bag from. One day this happened to me 5 times!

A key aspect of my business and also of everything i do in life is to buy British. This has become more relevant since I have became a designer / Maker. So my website and even my marquee for my events is made in Britain. You have to practise what you preach. I also strongly believe this is crucial to the economy of this country. We used to be a great manufacturing country and that's (in part) what made Britain Great! 

With my tweed bags I use British only, of course. I currently source from Scotland and I look to the less high profile weavers, I source from Ireland, England there are some great weavers here, from the Islands including the Isle of Man and also locally to me from Powys in Wales where the weaver lives just over the border from me and only 8 miles away.

 Who is the person you most admire?  My Dad. He has the patience of a saint, gives sound advise, whether it's what you want to hear or not!
What you like to listen to? I listen to Classic Fm constantly, when I am sewing on my old Roberts radio.
What is your favourite item of clothing? A beautiful Tweed coat. Handmade in England, of course. I wear it everywhere
What is your favourite drink?  Butty Bach from the Wye Valley Brewery 
Describe your perfect evening? Sitting in a restaurant in the town square in Sienna or Florence with my family. 
Where would you go on your perfect holiday? Touring tuscany and staying in Sienna. My husband loves the art and architecture and my children and I love the food and weather!

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