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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Food Security in South Sudan

Just browsing Muddy Carrot we can see how in the UK we are spoiled for choice of delightful locally grown or produced food. Wonderful! Producing local food is an essential element in many parts of the world. 

Back in 2008 St Mary’s Church Corscombe had the privilege of welcoming Bishop John Zawo and his wife Nancy from the South Sudan, Africa and we were able to show them our local produce. Little did we know that 4 years later a group of us would visit our friends in South Sudan as part of a link we have established with Ezo in South Sudan and see it for ourselves. 

South Sudan became independent last year and is the world’s newest nation. Exciting - but living in troubled times with a recent civil war and various attacks by rebel groups. This has made it so insecure that people have been too frightened to farm until now. Fortunately things have improved considerably recently and people are now farming again and building schools and clinics. 
Seems strange, but we were asked to take with us a large chainsaw – it’s a very forested area and the overgrown fields need clearing. 

Large trees in well managed forests can be felled and the timbers used to build school desks and to rebuild clinics. 

The local people gave us a massive welcome and we are in regular contact by email – using solar power to charge the laptop there. Yes, our diet was mainly rice and maize, with occasional bits of goat – generously cooked by people who cannot afford meat. An amazing caring community shows us what can be achieved when people are committed to each other’s welfare. 

Andrew and Celia Tomkins

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